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The Issues

Most Eureka residents agree that Eureka could use an economic boost to maintain its historic position as the economic and retail hub of Humboldt County. Marina Center will provide it.

Marina Center’s retail stores and offices are estimated to create hundreds of full and part-time jobs for a wide range of workers, from students to seniors, that will in turn support the local economy through the spending of wages. It will require significant local talent just to build Marina Center.

As proposed, Marina Center will also generate an estimated $900,000 in property taxes and more than $1M in annual sales taxes to benefit Eureka and its public services including schools, public safety and infrastructure.

Marina Center embodies the principles of smart growth, focusing on urban infill and mixed use, rather than sprawl. For more information about smart growth, visit www.smartgrowth.org.

Marina Center will benefit Eureka's economy now and in the future as it bolsters and preserves the city’s economic leadership of Humboldt County.

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